European Bankers Forum

European Bankers Forum

Impress top managers with your seminar presentation and get to know the practical side of Banking and Finance. Combine your seminar in Finance and Banking with the opportunity to get to know numerous practice partners and spend an exciting week in the Alps.

The European Bankers Forum, with the kind support of ecfs, brings students and practitionerstogether. Every year in January, we travel to Wilder Kaiser for a week to bring students and practitioners together. During the one-week event, students have the opportunity to convince not only us, but also numerous practitioners of their skills. Various practice partners present themselves and their day-to-day work and give you an overview of possible career starts after your studies.

"The event offers unique networking opportunities. Where else do you have the opportunity to talk to board members of various companies in person and receive feedback on your seminar paper from four professors?" (Quote from a former participant)